The time has come, and you are considering ending your marriage. What do you do now? Do you hire a family law attorney and serve divorce papers to your spouse? Do you want a long drawn-out court battle for how your marital assets are divided? What if you were to tell you you could end your marriage in a simple and less expensive alternative than a typical litigated divorce?

The solution is simple and Natalie Baird of Natalie Baird Mediations and collaborative from divorce of Tampa has the solution. It’s called immediate divorce and it can be finished in as little as one 4-Hour session. After the session is ended, Natalie Baird will draw up the completed paperwork to be delivered to the court. The agreement is finding and 100% legal.

Natalie Baird has helped thousands of couples end their marriage in a reasonable and agreeable manner. You might say “Well I have a very unhappy, disagreeable spouse”. Natalie has been certified by the Supreme Court and can help extremely disagreeable spouses negotiate the terms of their divorce.

Possibly the best part about a divorce mediation with Natalie Baird mediations is the entire process is conducted via video conference over the internet. We like to call it a Virtual Mediation, and it can save you time and stress compared to a typical litigated divorce that can often take more than a year.

You see, a typical litigated divorce involves a lot of procedural filings with a court. There are meetings and conferences and hearings to attend that just take time. Following the long drawn-out process of a litigated divorce in Tampa, a court will determine how your shared marital assets will be divided. A parenting plan will be created if you have children, and the shared debt will be divided. Florida is known as a equitable distribution state which means typically all of the shared assets and liabilities will be shared equally between the two spouses.

However in many cases, this court ordered solution might not be the best for the couple. During a mediation session, the two spouses are allowed to negotiate how they will divide the assets and debt of their marriage. One spouse may choose to forfeit one of their items in favor of gaining another. The terms and agreements are completely up to you and your spouse.

You might be concerned the mediator will end up making decision that is not in your favor. This however is not the mediator’s job. The mediator does not choose sides and does not make decisions for either of you.

Here’s how it works

After scheduling an appointment with Natalie Baird Mediations, you and your spouse will independently connect to your own private virtual meeting rooms. Natalie will connect to your room to hear the issues that are important to you. She will then connect to your spouse’s meeting room and hear the issues that are important to them. Using this back and forth method, your negotiations will continue until you and your spouse have reached an agreement. The mediation is completely private and whatever you don’t want the mediator to say to your spouse will be kept in confidence. If you have children, a child support plan and parenting plan will be made during this time also.

Natalie has been providing this mediation service in Tampa for almost a decade. She has the experience and the expertise to assist you and your spouse in ending your marriage in an agreeable way.

We look forward to helping you and your spouse as well.