Family Law issues will generally lead to mediation as most courts in the State of Florida require the parties to attend mediation prior to a hearing on any matter.
Mediation allows both parties an opportunity to make their own decisions for their family and future, rather than leaving the decision to the Family Court judge.
Family law mediation provides a level of control over the outcome that is not possible once the case goes to trial and is generally a quicker way to resolve a divorce.
Attorney Natalie Baird-King, Esq., is experienced in mediation and as a Board Certified family law attorney, brings a knowledge which assists the parties in creating a custom agreement.
Mediation is a confidential process that gives parties who disagree on issues in their family law case help in reaching an agreement by a neutral and impartial person trained in problem solving.
Any type of family law case may be mediated. If there is a disagreement over timesharing of minor children, allocation of debt and distribution of property, alimony, child support and other issues, the parties may (with or without their lawyers) call a mediator to help them resolve their disputes.
In cases related to children, mediation is available whether or not the parents of the minor child were married. In addition, domestic violence cases and high conflict cases can be mediated, with the safety of the participants a primary goal during mediations. The Courts encourage mediation of disputes in family law cases because the Court process often fails to adequately resolve disputed issues.
Natalie charges $400.00 an hour for mediation. Please log onto Natalie’s online calendar for specific rates to mediate your case. If you have difficulty with scheduling a mediation, please contact Natalie. Most parties will divide the cost of mediation; however, the parties can agree to a mediation fee payment arrangement if they desire.
Simply schedule on Natalie’s online calendar now for available dates and times. You may coordinate with the opposing side.
If the parties reach an agreement at mediation, the mediator will draw up an agreement that the parties sign. The agreement will be presented to the Court by an attorney of the parties choice or the parties can then set a final hearing on the matter to complete the divorce. On the other hand, if the parties do not come to an agreement, an impasse is declared and the mediator will submit a document stating the parties did not reach an agreement. Thereafter, the parties will submit the issues before the Judge.