Let’s just get straight to the point. An online divorce mediation from Natalie Baird Mediations is the fastest, easiest, and least stressful method for divorcing spouses.
Mediated divorces involve you and your spouse meeting independently, but at the same time with a divorce mediator. The mediator will act as an intermediary for you and your spouse to negotiate how your marital assets are going to be divided. After the mediation is complete, Natalie will prepare and deliver the legal paperwork (to you or your attorney) to be submitted to the court.
In the past, mediations were conducted in person at an office. However, Natalie Baird has pioneered an online solution to replace in-person mediations.
Using cutting edge video conferencing technology, Natalie has devised a method of conducting online video mediations that are legally binding easy on the budget, and maximizes time saving.
Instead of meeting with Natalie face to face, you and your spouse will each connect to your own private virtual meeting room. From there, Natalie will connect to each of you individually to help negotiate the terms of your divorce. No longer do you need to drive through Tampa traffic and meet at some unfamiliar building. Instead, you can connect to your mediation whether you are in Tampa or in Miami. This is a real game changer when it comes to lessening anxiety and saving time in the process.
Some things to remember about online divorce mediation with Natalie Baird Mediations of Tampa Florida
- Mediators do not make decisions for you and your spouse
- A mediators job is just to guide the negotiation.
- You do not (and will not) be forced to agree to anything during your mediation.
Natalie Baird has been helping divorcing clients for years and has conducted thousands of mediations over her career. She is a Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator as well as a Board Certified Attorney in Tampa Florida. She has extensive knowledge and experience to help even the most disagreeable spouses negotiate and come to a compromise.
Your other option for a divorce is a litigated divorce, which is both time-consuming and usually much more expensive than a mediated divorce. Additionally, in most cases, a court in Florida will order you to a mediation as part of a litigated divorce anyway. It would make financial sense to just do it on your own.
If you would like more information from Natalie Baird on a virtual divorce mediation, we would love to hear from you. Our goal is to help you and your spouse end your marriage in a respectful and agreeable manner.