A little about divorce
Divorcing a partner can be difficult and stressful. This person that you promised to spend the rest of your life with, has now become somebody that you would like to leave in your past. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the divorce itself has to be stressful. Typically when somebody gets divorced in Florida, you would hire a lawyer and get ready for a long process of legal proceedings only for a judge to decide who would get the marital belongings.
There is now a much simpler way to divorce in Florida
Instead of long drawn out court appearances and legal proceedings, wouldn’t you rather just have a short meeting with your spouse in order to negotiate the terms of your divorce? In other words, to have a mediation to talk about how the shared marital assets are divided up.
This meeting is a non-face-to-face meeting that is mediated by a special kind of mediator. Natalie Baird is one of those Supreme Court certified family law mediation experts. She has been helping thousands of people over the course of her career and their marriages in a quick and simple manner.
The process is so simple, you don’t even need to leave your house in Clearwater, Tampa, Miami or even Pensacola, Florida.
Using your computer or other video enabled device such as your cell phone, tablet, or laptop, you and your spouse connect separately to your own private virtual waiting rooms. From there, Natalie Baird of Tampa will connect to you and your spouse separately to hear the issues that are important to each of you. Natalie will then connect to the other spouse to begin a back and forth style negotiation.
The object of the mediation is for spouses to negotiate with each other to decide how the shared belongings will be divided up. Everything can be negotiated, and nothing is off limits. Natalie can also set up co-parenting and time sharing documents if you have children. The only thing Natalie cannot do is make decisions for you or your spouse. She is simply the conduit in which you and your spouse make agreements and negotiate.
Natalie has experience with even the most disagreeable couples, and she can help you end your marriage in an agreeable and quick manner.
Give Natalie Baird in Tampa a call to begin your divorce so you can move on with your life.