It’s time to move on
So you and your spouse have decided to move on from your relationship, and now you need to know the next steps of your journey to end your marriage. You may have kids, you own a house or two, a business, vehicles, investment accounts and any number of other things that you and your spouse have acquired during your marriage. Now you have to decide what’s going to happen with all of your shared marital possessions.
A litigated divorce can be a highly contentious and usually takes all of the deciding power away from you and your spouse. Litigated divorces are almost always a very long process and can take up to or more than a year to be finally complete. In contrast, a virtual mediated divorce from Natalie Baird of Tampa can be accomplished in as little as one 4-hour session.
Expenses add up
Litigated divorces are also very expensive due to the fact there is so much more work for your lawyer to do. There are court dates, meetings, and a very long legal process to work through. This can make the cost of your divorce go up very quickly.
Probably the best part about a virtual mediated divorce from Natalie Baird Mediations is that it can be accomplished completely online. You do not need to worry about fighting Tampa traffic or driving a long distance to meet in a unfamiliar environment meanwhile trying to focus on the important topics at hand.
This is an important time in your life and you are deciding your own fate. It would make sense to take the path of least resistance and choose a mediated divorce from Natalie Baird Mediations of Tampa. Natalie Baird is a Board Certified attorney in the State of Florida and is a Supreme Court certified Family Law Mediator. It doesn’t matter if you and your spouse are not on speaking terms, Natalie has experience with contentious situations and has the ability and training to help you work through your negotiation and achieve an agreement that both you and your spouse can be happy with.
For more information, please contact our office to see how we can help you and your spouse end your marriage in the most efficient way possible.