How to get the cheapest divorce in Tampa
So you’re researching divorces, which means you probably have already made up your mind about ending your marriage. You may or may not have talked with your spouse yet, and you are researching the subject before bringing it up.
The cost
Divorces can be very expensive propositions with the standard divorce. That’s where Natalie Baird of Baird Mediations comes in. Natalie Baird of Tampa does mediated divorces, meaning the long drawn out process of a standard litigated divorce are avoided. A typical divorce can take many months if not a year or more to finally be complete. With a mediated divorce, you could potentially finalize your divorce preparation in as little as one 4-hour session.
Why mediated divorces are better
A standard litigated divorce in the Tampa Bay area ends with a court dividing up all of you and your spouses belongings. You usually have very little say in the matter because Florida is what’s known as an equal disbursement state. That means most of the time, a court will just divide everything in half. The fate of your real estate, investments, savings and debt will be out of your control.
On the other hand, mediation allows you and your spouse to negotiate for these different things. You may choose to relinquish one thing to gain another. The decision making will be completely in you and your spouse’s hands as you negotiate how to end your marriage in a respectful and constructive way.
During the process of most divorces the court will mandate you attend mediation anyway. You may as well just cut out all that process and do it yourself.
Do it all online
Online mediation in Tampa was pioneered by Natalie Baird. In the old days, mediation meant you had to drive across town to a centralized meeting area and meet with your mediator in person. Now you can just open your laptop or sign in with your phone to your mediation session. Both you and your spouse will have your own private online meeting room. The mediator will meet with each of you separately to go over your wishes for the divorce. Natalie will move back and forth between each meeting room to help the two of you negotiate a deal that is agreeable to both you and your spouse.
About Natalie Baird
Natalie has been helping divorcing couples for the better part of the decade. She has the experience and professionalism to help you and your spouse finalize your divorce in the most efficient way possible.
She is a Supreme Court certified family law mediator and a Board Certified attorney in the State of Florida.
If you’d like more information on a mediated divorce, please give us a call. We are here to help you and your spouse and your marriage in an agreeable way.