Divorcing can take forever. The court system is slow and the process just takes a long time. For a fully completed divorce you can expect anywhere from many months to a year or more. During that time there will be meetings, hearings, and documents to be filed, all of which will cost your lawyer’s time which translates to your money.

But there is a better way

A mediated divorce from Natalie Baird of Tampa can be the quickest and least expensive way to get divorced in the Tampa Bay area.

A mediated divorce involves you and your spouse meeting independently with your divorce mediator and discussing what you would like out of the divorce. Then using the mediator as a go-between, the two of you will negotiate how the shared marital assets are divided up.

In florida, we live under a equal disbursement rule which means usually the married couples belongings are divided up equally. At the end of a standard divorce a court will make the decision of who gets what. At that point the decision is out of your hands.

The ability to negotiate for different belongings is a real game changer.

The best part about mediations with nightly beard could be the fact that it is conducted completely online. Natalie has pioneered the concept of virtual mediations. You used to have to drive across town to a centralized meeting place in order to attend your mediation. Now, using your desktop, laptop, tablet or cell phone, you can attend your mediation from wherever you are, even if it’s out of the country. This also saves time and money for your lawyer because they would typically charge you for travel time to and from the mediation.

Natalie baird, of Baird Mediations in Tampa has the experience and dedication to help even the most contentious spouses. Natalie is a Board Certified attorney and a supreme court certified family law mediator. She has been helping clients for 10 years and she can help you as well. Please call for more information and to set up your virtual divorce mediation.