3 Tips on Planning Your Child’s Spring Break With Your Ex

With spring break looming in the near future, the time has come to hammer out all the details of your child’s break plans.

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For many people spring break is a time for traveling, enjoying a vacation in a new spot and taking a break from real life. For those who are divorced, however, spring break and other holidays can be a major headache because of the logistics that must be taken into consideration with their former spouse.

While it’s easy to see how spring break can become more of a hassle than anything, it’s important to remember that it’s supposed to be a fun and enjoyable time for your children. If you stay focused on that and follow our 3 Tips on Planning Your Child’s Spring Break With Your Ex, you’ll find that there is still joy in this time of the year.

  1. Set the ground rules

Ideally, these ground rules should be discussed before the Parenting Plan and timesharing agreement gets signed. By planning for any issues that may arise during mediation or collaborative divorce, you’ll be better equipped to handle them when the time comes. However, it’s understandable that not all couples will think of the one week of spring break when talking about co-parenting.

If it’s time to talk about spring break, set up a time to discuss the break with your ex. For some families, planning to switch who has the kids each year is a schedule that works. For others, splitting the vacation into two parts (one for each parent) might be better. You may even find a solution that involves vacationing together for the sake of the kids.

No matter what the solution is, it has to work for your family’s unique needs. Coming to the discussion with an open mind and respectful demeanor can go a long way and can produce better results for everyone.

  1. Make travel considerations

If you or your ex plan to travel with the kids during this time, it’s important to make several considerations so as not to step on any toes. For example, having the non-traveling parent sign a notarized travel consent form can avoid any delays at the airport should they change their mind and want to stop the travel.

It’s also usually required by Courts to create a detailed travel itinerary with contact information so that the non-travelling parent can know where their child is and how to get in touch with them in case of an emergency.

Being considerate of the non-travelling parent can assuage any worries and make for a much smoother trip all around.

  1. Or choose a staycation for ease

If travelling poses too many issues with your ex, consider the option of having a “staycation” of sorts for the children. Whether it be at your house, your ex’s house, or a local place of lodging, this can be a fun way to take a break without creating too much physical distance between the family.

Some staycation possibilities could include a few relaxing days at a local resort, trying out things in town you’ve always wanted to explore with the kids, taking a day trip nearby to a new spot, or even transforming your home into a “hotel” experience for a fun activity in imagining.

Spring Break Is For The Kids

No matter what you end up working out with your ex, if you both keep in mind that spring break is designed as a fun release for kids mid-school year, you’re sure to come to an agreement that will make their little faces light up.

Don’t let a divorce stop your children from getting the spring break they deserve. If you’re worried that your impending divorce is going to make co-parenting during your children’s school holidays a disaster, contact Natalie Baird Mediation & Collaborative Divorce to come to an amicable solution that works for everyone.