7 Ways Collaborative Divorce is Different Than Traditional Divorce

Regardless of the exact steps taken between the time the divorce papers are filled and the final documents are signed, any divorce process is going to require a lot out of each party – financially, emotionally, and psychologically. There’s no disputing that divorce is an impactful experience. However, there are opportunities to adjust the divorce path in ways to make it less stressful, less time-intensive, and less costly for all parties involved.

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One of these opportunities is choosing collaborative divorce over traditional divorce. Collaborative divorce serves as an alternative route to the same ending, and can lessen the severity and impact of the process.

Collaborative divorce differs from a more traditional litigious approach in many ways. Before you make a decision as to which divorce path you’ll take, it’s important to understand your options fully and really learn the nuances between traditional divorces and collaborative divorce. 

Traditional Divorce

A traditional divorce typically involves court litigation. This happens when a couple can’t reach reasonable conclusions or settlements in their divorce on their own. Once the divorce papers are filed and each party has found an attorney, the first stage is a discovery process that can take anywhere from months to years to complete. From there, the case must be presented to a  judge at trial in order to receive the final calls in how assets and child time sharing gets divided. 

Collaborative Divorce

On the other hand, a collaborative divorce utilizes negotiation based on the best interests of both parties. Instead of going through a lengthy court process that involves wrangling every minute detail and document, analyzing lengthy depositions, and leaving the end result up to a judge, things are much simpler. Together with the collaborative divorce attorney and any additional professional advisors, the spouses will work cooperatively in good faith in order to find a solution that truly is beneficial for both. 

Ways Collaborative Divorce Differs from Traditional Divorce and Possible Benefits

Some of the specific ways collaborative divorce stands out include:

  1. The process itself is more efficient
  2. The goal is in finding the best results for both parties, not winning or losing
  3. Negotiating what’s in your best interests rather than your positions
  4. Uses allied professionals such as financial advisors and mediators to facillitate productive discussion, divide assets, create co-parenting schedules, and more
  5. Keeps the children out of the court system
  6. The collaborative manner makes for a less stressful experience
  7. Tends to lead to more sustainable divorce agreements

If you decide that collaborative divorce is the best path for you, move forward with an experienced and compassionate attorney to guide you. Contact Natalie Baird Mediation & Collaborative Divorce to discuss your case and get the ball rolling.