Warming Your Spouse Up to the Idea of Collaborative Divorce

When you’re facing a divorce and would like to go through it as amicably as possible, collaborative divorce is a great option to consider. It costs less, avoids potentially nasty litigation, and allows both parties to move on with their lives sooner. The most important factor that make collaborative divorce an amicable solution, however, is that both individuals agree to handle the divorce in this way.

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Starting Summer Off Right as a Co-Parent

With summer drawing near and the taste of freedom so close for every child, it’s a good time to make sure you’re ready to handle everything that summer break is as a co-parent. Co-parenting through summer break can be hard, as it’s a completely new schedule thrown at you that requires flexibility, new pick-up windows, family vacations, and more. Especially for those who’ve just recently gone through divorce, summer break brings up a whole new host of challenges.

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Making a Co-Parenting Schedule that Works for You

Your children are at the front of your mind during the divorce process, of course. You wonder how you’re going to make it work with your soon-to-be-ex once you’re separated. You have mental images of the weekends and holidays you’ll have to go through without them.

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