Summer Coparenting With Constantly Changing Schedules: 4 Tips

Summertime and the living is easy – unless you’re a co-parent, which in that case, likely means summer can become a hectic, busy, fast-paced time with constantly changing schedules to balance.

While the school year gives co-parents a solid structure to work with, taking up most days and many nights due to various extra-curricular activities, the summer can feel like lawless land, with rotating stints at summer camp, long-planned vacations, quick weekend getaways, and alternative childcare programs all in the mix. For co-parents, there’s also the reality of balancing two different households.

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3 Ways Divorced Parents Can Plan For Their Child’s Future

A child is a lot of responsibility. They require a lot of attention and energy while they’re young, and a lot of planning and saving for when they’re older. 

The stress of all this can be hard to manage, let alone dealing with it after a divorce. Just because you’re no longer with your spouse doesn’t mean you can’t work together to plan and prepare for the future of your kids, though.

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Starting Summer Off Right as a Co-Parent

With summer drawing near and the taste of freedom so close for every child, it’s a good time to make sure you’re ready to handle everything that summer break is as a co-parent. Co-parenting through summer break can be hard, as it’s a completely new schedule thrown at you that requires flexibility, new pick-up windows, family vacations, and more. Especially for those who’ve just recently gone through divorce, summer break brings up a whole new host of challenges.

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