Minimize Conflict

Collaborative Process Can Minimize Conflict Post-Divorce

How the Collaborative Process Can Minimize Conflict Post-Divorce

Once the divorce papers are signed, it’s officially over. Right?

Not always.

Post-divorce conflict is not uncommon, but those who wish to minimize it for the years to come following your divorce can do so through the collaborative divorce process.

Here’s how collaborative divorce can set a new precedent for families looking to avoid further conflict down the road – and how the traditional route of divorce litigation can lead to messy conflicts and more days in court for years to come.

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Traditional Divorce – Is It Really Over?

When couples choose the traditional route of litigated divorce, it can feel like a battle of tug-o-war with only one winner. That’s just the nature of the adversarial divorce court process.

This exhaustive time can make the rest of your life feel like it’s on hold, and it’s not a process that anyone wants to extend longer than needed. Yet even after all is said and done, sometimes post-divorce conflicts creep up and take you right back to the courtroom you’ve been avoiding.

This is especially true for divorced spouses with children, as they will have shared obligations for years to come. What happens when your daughter’s extracurriculars conflict with your court-ordered parenting plan, or when you want to take your son on a vacation your spouse is opposed to?

In this case, going back to court happens.

Divorce as More than Just Papers

Divorce is so much more than papers – it involves the breakdown of a complex tapestry of two lives that have been interwoven for years.

Collaborative divorce works differently than litigation in that both parties are coming together to seek an ideal outcome for everyone involved. The goal is not a winner and a loser, but rather a settlement in the best interest of all parties.

Because of this difference, collaborative divorce tends to consider these post-divorce conflicts and account for changes that may occur down the road. It also helps each party take on a personal responsibility for communicating clearly and determining the best solutions around conflict, making post-divorce issues easy to handle without court intervention.

How Collaborative Divorce Can Reduce Occurrences of Post-Divorce Conflict

Post-divorce conflict is less common among couples who decided to split using the collaborative divorce model. Since this process redirects divorce litigation’s focus on blame to a beneficial final outcome, there’s less friction at the negotiating table and more open communication.

This establishes a mutual level of trust between parties as they work together to determine the best solutions for their families. Additionally, the guidance of a collaborative divorce attorney leads couples to find a more amicable ending.

When all is said and done, these couples are far more likely to maintain a cooperative and courteous relationship post-divorce. They’ve experienced a more amicable way of doing things and have learned about alternative dispute methods that they can draw on later.

Is Collaborative Divorce the Right Option For You?

If you’re looking to get through your divorce with dignity in-tact and a positive outlook for the future, have you considered collaborative divorce? The collaborative process can give you the tools and the experience necessary to find creative solutions while working together even long after your divorce is final.

Contact Natalie Baird Mediations & Collaborative Divorce to schedule a consultation and learn more about this alternative dispute method.