Should You Consider Divorce Mediation? How to Know

Once you and your spouse have decided to divorce, it unleashes a sea of questions and logistics that need to be worked through. The first challenge most couples are faced with is, “What next?”

At this time Natalie is offering mediation services only

There’s more than one way to divorce, and in recent years, alternatives like collaborative divorce and mediation have been on the rise. It makes sense that more and more couples are turning to these processes in lieu of traditional divorce, as they can help reduce money, time, and potential animosity.

Before you proceed with your next divorce steps, it’s a good idea to sit down and look over the options placed before you.

It all comes down to asking yourself a few questions and honestly evaluating where you and your spouse are at in your journey. Use the questions below to determine if you should start looking for a divorce mediator.

  1. Are we both on the same page?

Mediation is a good option for couples who both agree to divorce. In situations where it’s one party who wants to leave and one party who wants to stay, things can get a little messier. 

When the divorce is mutual, both parties agree that the best solution is divorce and are more willing to support the process. With the two people on the same page, mediation discussions about dividing assets and finding resolutions go a lot smoother.

  1. Are we willing to be open and honest with our finances and assets?

One of the most complicated (and important) parts of divorce is the division of assets. In order to have a successful settlement, both you and your partner will need to be completely forthcoming about your everything involving pensions, assets, stocks, debts, retirement, and bank accounts. Without full willingness to comply with this process, you’ll run into some challenges in mediation.

  1. Do we both want the best for us and our family?

Mediation is about having productive discussions that lead to a fair settlement. If you have children and one party comes into the process with their own needs at heart rather than the best interest of the family, things will be difficult. When both people come to mediation sessions with the same end result in mind, everyone can reach that point more efficiently.

  1. Can we both agree to custody terms?

After finances, child custody can be one of the most challenging parts of the divorce process. Sometimes, even the best intentions can be met with complications. Asking yourselves where you stand on the subject of custody and whether you can accept the terms that best support the children is critical before you agree to mediation. Without an agreement on custody, you’ll need intervention from the court. So it’s best to approach the topic before it’s too late. 

A Mediation Solution

If you and your spouse can both answer “yes” to all of the above questions, divorce mediation might be the appropriate path to take. In the end, mediation can end up saving costly litigation fees, time spent working on the settlement, and the energy of both you and your spouse if you prepare for success. 

If you’re considering divorce mediation, contact the experts at Natalie Baird Mediation and Collaborative Divorce today to set up your first appointment.