5 Reasons to Choose Virtual Divorce Mediation

When most people think of divorce, they think of sitting in court with an attorney as a judge decides what is a fair and equitable settlement. However, the truth is that there are many different ways to end a marriage. The best one for you will be the one that aligns most closely with your goals. For some people, it is litigation in court. For others, alternative dispute methods like mediation and collaborative divorce are better options.

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Collaborative Divorce Preparation: A Checklist

Collaborative Divorce Preparation: A Checklist

While your collaborative divorce attorney’s role is to guide you through the separation process, an amicable divorce starts with you. Before you’re ready to file for a collaborative divorce, you need to locate and gather certain documents and check off a few tasks to ensure a smooth process once things get started. While there are many differences between collaborative divorce and traditional divorce, you’ll notice that many of the preparation steps are similar. Don’t go into the process unprepared – follow the checklist below to get all your affairs in order and get your mind in the right headspace before your first collaborative divorce meeting.

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Minimize Conflict

Collaborative Process Can Minimize Conflict Post-Divorce

How the Collaborative Process Can Minimize Conflict Post-Divorce

Once the divorce papers are signed, it’s officially over. Right?

Not always.

Post-divorce conflict is not uncommon, but those who wish to minimize it for the years to come following your divorce can do so through the collaborative divorce process.

Here’s how collaborative divorce can set a new precedent for families looking to avoid further conflict down the road – and how the traditional route of divorce litigation can lead to messy conflicts and more days in court for years to come.

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7 Ways Collaborative Divorce is Different Than Traditional Divorce

Regardless of the exact steps taken between the time the divorce papers are filled and the final documents are signed, any divorce process is going to require a lot out of each party – financially, emotionally, and psychologically. There’s no disputing that divorce is an impactful experience. However, there are opportunities to adjust the divorce path in ways to make it less stressful, less time-intensive, and less costly for all parties involved.

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